Those who will never apologize. They can never say they are sorry. Those who make a mistake then blame you or someone else for their mistake. They would claim it was something you did that led to their action. They can’t accept responsibility. Those who commit an error yet insist that they are still correct. I'm not sure if it's due to ignorance or a constant desire to be right. Those who pretend they really want to help but behind your back, they are actually the ones declining your offer. They will give different ideas on ways to try, encourage you that you’re the best but won’t give you a chance People who hold back praise and badger but berate you when you fail. They shield your 99 good then share your 1 bad. If anyone is exhibiting any character you love and admire and sincerely want it to continue, then never cease to tell them, pride them, etc. Selfish people: the truth is we are all selfish, we want good things to happen to us. However, we can’t be oblivion to...
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