There are some words in the Bible l will never use. Not that the word of God is wrong but because l will never use them as a defense mechanism.
A lot of verses in the Bible have been interpreted differently and as such used for backing up their ignorance.
Some corrections are not meant for the outside world to see or hear. For some parents correcting their children in the presence of their friends and sometimes strangers is love (you know because the Bible say spare the rod and spoil the child and the Bible also said an open rebuke is better than hidden love) but for the children its an embarrassment.
And then we have some pastors and life coaches who do this on a regular and they back it up with he is my son/she is my daughter.
When you embarrass someone publicly what you need to do is to apologize, don't use the Bible as a reference to why you did it. We should quit quoting the Bible only to cover up our wrongs rather than apologize.
Some will even say that's how l am, that's my person. I do it so that other people won't mess with me.
If in an organization you use one person as a scapegoat for others to learn from it's a different thing (Jesus did that with the people selling in the temple). But if it has to do with just an individual or two, you talk or shout at them privately but not making it a show.
Some corrections are embarrassing. We often say celebrities act like kids. Rather than make peace over a drink, they take it to social media. (what's the difference between you and them? You sometimes do that too)
The way we handle a situation, raise our voices, the words we use are what corrections embarrassing and advise a curse. And advise people you influence on to avoid is it your business. Know this: No be everybody them dey advice.
Some advice is a curse, yes and l will repeat it some advice is a curse.
People are not angry when you correct or advise them, but the place, words, and manner used.
Thank you
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