Being away from Port-Harcourt, l learned a lot of things. It made me a mother, a survival, too careful, calculating, and a lot l can't remember right now.
I met a lot of people and it changed my perspective and l also want to be around such people.
I traveled to Minna in April 2017 for NYSC. I wanted to redeploy but didn't want to stress my parents and l wanted to be far from home so l decided to stay back.
That was my first very long journey, and the first time l took the night bus (Chisco at water lines)- their final destination was Abuja so for anyone going further have to alight before they go through Abuja road (l met two other girls going to Minna Paiko Camp) so it was a great journey.
From Abuja, we took a bus to paiko but we had to wait for the bus to get filled up, we brushed at the park.
I didn't know anyone who had served and prepare for camp as l should have done (I realized this when I was in camp).
The camp was fun but l was still naive (the whole field and room was the only thing on my to-do list).
I was serious with matching, skipped a few training (sadly, the one l wanted to do so bad ( the rope climbing, the fence jumping, crawling under the wire) l love crazy stuff.
I love food, you would always find me in line for camp food ( l missed a couple of meals though). I met a course mate (Auguster), the clique then was Auguster, Chioma (one of the girls l met on the bus), Sonia and I've gotten the last person's name.
I was not too close to anyone so l was mostly alone. I didn't have any camp d but had a crush on a guy ( a poet and was a part of OBS). The crush ended in camp and we met just once after camp.
I was posted to Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University in Lapai (IBBUL). It was a good place but l was posted to be the secretary of the Pro-Chancellor so l had to move.
I've made friends, crush 😊, and held role of a PRO in my CDS (Red cross which was every Thursday), l had a CDS close pal Chikwesili Faithful Onuora (he is married now) broke my heart a little because we kinda starting liking each other but l know it was my fault and hey he married a doctor like him and sometimes we talk.
I was the vice president of Winners Corpers followership and would have been the Vice President of NCCF but l knew l would be leaving Lapai, so l didn't push it.
I shared a house with 3 guys Ogechukwu (bonded well with him), Abdul (we were cool), and Joel (l still dislike him). I met doctor Chris. We were all placed in IBBU but doctors worked at the clinic and we were not in the same location.
I love my location (mama Kure house).
I left for Minna l think in July and l had to stay in IBBU guest house until l got a place and moved out in October.
Though l left Lapai l didn't move my file to Minna, so l had my clearance done in Lapai and no more CDS for me. One thing l was given a sanction letter, l can't remember how we got that fixed but it was fixed.
When l moved out, l stayed in a house with 4 rooms and each room had a toilet (was more like a mini self contain. All 4 girls (blessing, Mimi, and l can't believe the third person's name) l am a private person, that's why l cook more in my room than use the general kitchen, l do some times though.
December of 2017/ January of 2018, l heard something they said about me, and l took my mind off them.
I can love silly and but when l decide it's over, it is over.
I could stay in my house without going out to gist with them, they were the ones, Blessing mostly who complained about me staying indoors (kinda like the one l liked and might forgive but for now l don't even remember them much).
I learned how to eat wara (Mimi taught me) and Tuwo rice with stew (learned this from Mr. Kusheriki).
Before service, l made a long list of places to travel to, people to see but from my service year till l left l didn't even go to places in Minna had a reason though which l don't like.
I stayed back after service, got my first job as a secretary at JD Lab, and was paid 12,000. The full salary is 18,000 but due to lack of funds l was paid 12,000. During my service year, l was a writer, so l was already with the Lab.
Before l left JD Lab, l was one of the management team, the Chief Internal Operation Officer, and Chief Editor
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