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My First Day At Work (Lumkalk)

 It's a Friday morning, 11:27 am to be precise. I am in a construction company waiting for the accountant who is more like my direct boss- Avura (yeah you heard that right, l got a job ). She reminds me a lot about myself when l was in JD Lab, the person you would talk to, nice, accommodating, etc.

To be frank, l love the place. It reminds me of JD Lab but it is different. It also reminds me of Cypher Crescent (a place l submitted my CV in 2019, you can't get into the building without your ID- it's your key) but the structure of the building reminds me of Cypher, not the key things.

Today is my first day and l came late, l can't figure out why things happened the way they did but l came late and l have a good yet embarrassing reason. 

I was in a Keke almost close to the office when l decided to take a deep breath and l felt my zip open (a gown) - the funny thing is before l left home l had this what if the zip gets spoilt but l shook it off because it only happened once and l got it fixed. I didn't put on tight, thank God l wasn't on gstring because my pant was showing had to raise the gown to cover my ass.

A lot of things went through my mind

1. Stop, take a drop, and go back home

2. Go to the office and let Avura help you out.

I took choice 1 and it was a brilliant decision. I get a Keke but he said they don't drive on major roads so l called my dad and gave him two choices: come pick me up or send someone to bring a dress for me ( he choose the latter).

I had to take refugee in a boutique l felt bad that l  couldn't buy a new dress from the boutique and not bother anyone. I still do.

I waited for close to 40-45 mins before my elder brother (Kingsley) showed up. I saw him across the road and called out but he didn't hear l had to come out of the boutique to call him out (PS: after l raised my gown to cover my butt completely).

I told him to bring a dress, he brought 3 and left the bag with me- l was with 2 bags already... So l went to work with 3 bags.

Remember earlier l said l was waiting for Avura, when she finally came she showed me around, introduced me to the staff, and told me l can leave anytime l  wanted to at least finish writing about my first day at work (l was writing at work). 

Well, since l was still around l got distracted by the office. 

The one thing that scared me to death is " l spoilt the "paper shredder". I was told to shred papers and l tried to shred more than one paper which isn't bad but l fold them (so if l want to shred 4 papers at once after folding it in twos it becomes 8 and the maximum paper to shred is 5- l saw it boldly written on the shredder after the papers got stuck).

I cried for help and Odion, Avura and Edwin tried but it didn't budge. We needed to open it up- that became another problem there was no small screwdriver. I was scared but sometimes l laughed especially when Edwin said we should use Fire or Water.

I would have left work early but it didn't work till after 5 and l still had more papers to shred. And l had to shred all before l left (Odion fix the shredder, we finally got a screwdriver, and when we have given up hope it worked)

We left the office around to 6 (l and Avura- the not so going early type, she reminds me of me). When we got to the exit door it was locked from outside she had to scream Isaac's name (the security guy) and he opened the door- dude didn't know we were still inside.  It was raining, we got a Keke and the journey was going well until we met gridlock, it was bad. 

The Keke driver convinced us to get down that we were only wasting our time waiting but nahhh, he was just self-centered. We got down and completed the journey by foot.


How did l get this job???

On the evening of January 17th, 2020, l got a call from my sister's friend Mercy saying there is an opening for a receptionist somewhere and they need someone who hails from Rivers State (they mean me right). She was told by a friend who works at the place too.

So the next day 18th, l had all my documents but l had to pick up something for my mom. so l was on casual wear-  Black gown. I got the parcel and went to the office. The place was better than what l was expecting. The guy took me to the last floor l had to meet a lady and a guy which l later found out was the accountant (Avura) and one of the directors (Edwin).

I know they were impressed with what I've done/achieved but they didn't call me back so l took my mind off them and focused on my skits (videos).

They called me on Wednesday 24th Feb, l met the boss and was to start the next day but because of a skit l had to do on Thursday l pleaded to start on Friday. Well as for the skit, l didn't do it, was disappointed by the male character (this got me so mad that l started loosing my hair so l can play all the roles. I rescheduled for Saturday).

My day at work wasn't all great. The zip, the shredder, the rain, and the AC made me sick( headache, chest pain, l had this rough feeling in my throat). 

PS: I started writing in the office but finished at home. I don't know if l will write about my second day but l will surely make a personal list of what to achieve on Monday. And with the way my table is set up l can use my sticky notes.

, I have a job.... Wow


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