I am Not Grateful that I woke up, dressed up, and went to the sanctuary was while someone didn't wake up and was sent to the mortuary.
I am Not Grateful because I have food on my table
While some people scramble for food under the table.
I am Not Grateful I have a roof over my head
While some seek shelter under the bridge.
I am Not Grateful some people are hospitalized with diseases I am free from.
I'm Not Grateful that I am progressing
While some of my mates are dead, some in school and some have given up on themselves.
I am Not Grateful I got married and gave birth early
While there are men/women who are over 40 and still searching.
I am Not Grateful my daughter got married as a virgin
While my neighbor's daughter was raped.
Rather I am Grateful
Because his grace found me just as I am.
Because each day I wake up is a 2nd chance to Right my wrongs. A new day of new opportunities and ideas.
Because my past/flaws is not a criterion for him to stop blessing me.
For his everlasting love which I sometimes feel I don't deserve.
Note: We shouldn't be Grateful when bad things happen to others. Bad things mustn't happen to other people before you thank God for loving you.
Will you say "why me, why not someone else when good things happen to you?"
Or do you say that only when things are going wrong?
With 💓 Cynthia
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